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荷兰温血马 (Dutch Warmblood)

时间: 2013-08-12 16:31:39     来源: 马集网



       荷兰温血马 Dutch Warmblood (KWPN)要说有哪一个品种的马,像明星一样快速窜红,那就是荷兰温血马。这是个新的品种,荷兰在1958年才开始有血统登记簿,然而现在已成为世界上 最成功、最流行、最受欢迎的马术竞赛与骑乘用马。荷兰温血马可说是二十世纪的新产品,有别于二十世纪以前就有的温血马,它是专门为了马术竞赛用而培育出来 的温血马。虽然这是荷兰人所创造的品种,但其实应该算是一个欧洲品种,因为除了荷兰之外,还有英国、西班牙、法国和德国的血统。

荷兰温血马的起源来自于荷兰两个本地的品种,海尔德兰马(Gelderlander)与格罗宁根马(Groningen) ,事实上这跟当地的土壤息息相关。海尔德兰在荷兰中部,当地的土壤为沙地,所发展出来的马属于较轻型。而格罗宁根当地则都是硬质的黏土,成长出来的马就属于较重型的。然而两个品种的基因却是可以兼容的,因此培育者就常常在海尔德兰马的血统中加入格罗宁根马的血统,来增加海尔德兰马的重量,反之亦然。
海尔德兰马与格罗宁根马这两个品种都是自中世纪以来在荷兰与其邻近区域就有的品种。海尔德兰马有安达卢西亚马(Andalusian)、意大利的那不勒斯马(Neapolitan)、诺曼马(Norman)、Norfolk Roadster、德国的奥登堡马(Oldenburg)、荷尔斯泰因马(Holstein)、英国的盎格鲁-诺曼马(Anglo-Norman)、哈克尼马(Hackney)与纯血马(Thoroughbred)的血统。而格罗宁根马则是由丹麦的佛里斯马(Friesian)与德国的奥登堡马(Oldenburg)两种品种交叉产生的。

       海尔德兰马与格罗宁根马这两个品种有一些令人激赏的共同特点:华丽的动作、良好的基本构造、具有风采的质量、稳健成长的能力、温驯合作的气质。荷兰人引 进英国纯血马,以增加它的勇气,并改善有时会发生的缺陷,例如过长的背、太短的脖子、太短太弱的前肢等。相当轻盈的动作也是纯血马带来的,而为了要去除随 着纯血马而来的难以驾驭的特质,不但靠引进其它荷兰本土血统,也引进法国的塞拉法兰西马(Selle Francias)、德国的汉诺威马(Hanoverian)与荷尔斯泰因马(Holstein)血统,以改良出最后的品种。另外也引进英国的哈克尼(Hackney),以培育漂亮的挽马,也有些人继续培育传统海尔德兰马型态的马,最后竟演变成三种类别的荷兰温血马:马术运动马、挽马、海尔德兰马。








       然而荷兰温血马这些有目共睹的成就,并没有让人忽略它结构完美、漂亮等令人着迷的特质,在相对于其它温血马品种而言只有短短的历史,但却已在国际马术运 动中建立他的知名度。以性格、健康、体能出名的荷兰温血马,每年都大量的出口到全世界各个角落,深受马术爱好者的喜欢。


用 来持续的评估血统的主要工具,是每年都会在荷兰与北美举办的小马评鉴会。在评鉴会中三岁左右的小马要接受严格的检查,以确定它的质量与是否达到培育的目 标。不像某些温血马的登录系统,荷兰温血马不完全依靠小马出生登录,而是靠这样的评鉴结果来确保质量,只有满足这个质量以上的马才能骄傲的冠上KWPN的 狮子商标。
此 外,在种公马的评估与筛选制度更是更严苛,可说是世界上最严格的。即使是已被严格筛选过的合格荷兰温血种公马,每年都还要被重新评估,看是否适合继续育 种。只有能明确的展现对整个品种有好的影响的种公马,才能被评为「入选」(keur)。要是可被评为最高级的「优先」(preferent),那可是无上 的光荣。例如有名的种公马 Amor、Doruto、Joost、Lucky Boy与Nimmerdor就是。
母 马也是依据他对整个品种的贡献来分级,质量特别好的母马才可被评为「star」级。当「star」级的母马生下的小马已在比赛中展现它的马术或跳跃的能力 时,母马才能被评为「keur」级。「preferent」是颁给至少生过三匹外型与步伐都很优秀的小马的母马,「prestatie」是颁给它的后代有 三匹都有是好的表现的母马。


荷 兰皇家温血马协会(The Royal Warmblood Studbook of the Netherlands,荷兰原文为Koninklijke Vereniging Warmbloed Paardenstamboek Nederland,缩写为KWPN)是负责登录与管理荷兰温血马血统登记的机构,该机构负责订定培育的目标与标准,评鉴、评估与分级的办法,以及育种研 究与行政管理。协会的历史可追溯至上世纪初,荷兰的育马者已在这个组织下联合运作了一百多年。威廉三世国王(King Willem Ⅲ)在1887年时认可第一个血统登记机构,建立了培育荷兰温血马的基础。到了1969年由几个地区性的血统登记机构合并成现在的协会,在1988年由碧 翠丝女王(Queen Beatrix)授予皇家(K)的称号。
为 了在北美洲推广荷兰温血马,协会在1983年成立北美洲部,称为NA/WPN,并被赋予两个主要的任务:一是在北美洲推广与发展高水平的荷兰温血马,二是 提供更好的服务给北美洲的养马与育马者。在1997年时更扩大更名为北美荷兰温血马协会(The Dutch Warmblood Studbook in North America)。

A Dutch Warmblood is a warmblood type of horse registered with the Koninklijk Warmbloed Paardenstamboek Nederland (Royal Warmblood Studbook of the Netherlands (KWPN), which governs the breeding of competitive dressage and show jumping horses, as well as the show harness horse and Gelderlander, and a hunter studbook in North America. Developed through a breeding program that began in the 1960s, the Dutch are some of the most successful horses developed in postwar Europe.


Prior to World War II, there were two types of utility horse in the Netherlands: Gelderlanders bred in the south under the Gelderlander Horse Studbook (1925) and the Groningen bred in the north under the NWP (1943). The Groningen was, and still is, a heavy weight warmblood horse very similar in type to the Alt-Oldenburger and East Friesian. The Gelderlander, by the same token, was a more elegant variation on the same theme, being often a high-quality carriage horse in addition to a useful agricultural horse. And, while the Groningen were almost unwaveringly solid black, brown, or dark bay, the Gelderlanders were more often chestnut with flashy white markings. These two registries merged to form the Royal Warmblood Horse Studbook of the Netherlands (KWPN).

After the Second World War, the Gelderlander and Groninger were replaced by tractors and cars, and horses began to become a luxury rather than a necessity. As early as the 1950s, stallions like the French-bred L'Invasion and Holsteiner Normann were imported to encourage a change in the type of Dutch horses, followed soon after by the Holsteiner Amor and Hanoverian Eclatant. The carriage-pulling foundation stockcontributed their active, powerful front ends and gentle dispositions to the Dutch Warmblood.

Today the KWPN comprises four sections: the Gelderlander, the Tuigpaard or Dutch Harness Horse, and riding horses bred for either dressageor show jumping.


Dutch law has made branding illegal, so today only the oldest Dutch Warmbloods from the Netherlands still bear the lion-rampant brand on the left hip. Instead, the horses are microchipped. However, North American Dutch Warmbloods may still be branded. To become a breeding horse, mares must stand at least 15.2hh and stallions at least 15.3hh at the withers. There is no upper height limit, though too-tall horses are impractical for sport and not desirable.

Most Dutch Warmbloods are black, brown, bay, chestnut, or grey, and white markings are not uncommon. The population also has a number oftobiano horses from the influence of the approved stallion Samber, though a second tobiano stallion has not been approved since. The roanpattern is also to be found occasionally through the approved stallion El Rosso.

Breeding goals calls for dressage and showjumping horses to be suitable for Grand Prix level riding, while hunter and harness horses should be able to perform at the highest level in their sport. Strict selection procedures ensure that bad-tempered stallions and mares do not go on to produce unmanageable horses, however, the Dutch Warmblood is significantly more sensitive than its Gelderlander and Groningen ancestors. Performance test results allow breeders and buyers to identify horses with amateur-suitable temperaments. All Dutch Warmbloods are selected to be uncomplicated to handle and ride. Among the dressage horses, cooperativeness is paramount as an element of the submission required in that sport. From the show jumpers, a level of courage and reflexivity is required to effectively navigate a course.

Since the turn of the millennium, Dutch Warmblood breeding has shifted from breeding a "riding horse" to further specialization into dressage type and jumper type horses. The reason behind the choice for specialisation is the negative genetic correlation between the ability for dressage and show jumping. By dividing the whole population in two subpopulations, faster genetic progress can be achieved in both traits compared to simultaneous selection in the whole population.

To protect against losing canter quality in the dressage horse and conformation, gaits and rideability in the jumper type, genetic material continues to be freely exchanged between the two types.

The Dutch Warmblood is long-legged but substantial with a smooth topline and dry, expressive head. They are built level to uphill in a rectangular frame. A number of traits are desirable in both directions, such as "long lines" or a rectangular frame, "balanced proportions" and attractiveness. The requirements for the two types differ in the desired interior qualities, but also in form. The exact outline of the Dutch Warmblood varies depending on the pedigree.

Medical issues

Dutch Warmbloods are sound and long-lived due to the stringent requirements placed on stallions and elite mares. While mild navicular changes, sesamoids, pastern arthritis and bone spavin may be permitted on radiographs, osteochondrosis in the hock or stifle is not allowed. Horses are disqualified from breeding for congenital eye defects, over- or underbite, or a lack of symmetry in stifles, hocks, hooves, or movement.


No registry produced more successful international show jumping horses than the KWPN. In 2010, Dutch Warmbloods were ranked #1 in jumpingby the World Breeding Federation for Sport Horses (WBFSH). as well as in dressage. A few of the recent Olympic medalists bred in the Netherlands include Royal Kaliber, Montender, Authentic (Nimrod),Mac Kinley in 2004, De Sjiem in 2000 and Hickstead in 2008.

Recent Dutch Warmblood Olympic medal-winners in dressage include Ferro and Udon. The Dutch Warmblood stallion Moorlands Totilas currently holds the world record for the highest dressage score in Grand Prix Freestyle Dressage, and won three gold medals at the 2010 FEI World Equestrian Games.

Eventing is not a priority for Dutch breeders, nevertheless there are a handful of Dutch Warmblood eventers on the international scene.

In North America, the Dutch Warmblood is a favorite choice for the hunter ring. Rox Dene, named "Hunter of the Century" by the Chronicle of the Horse, was sired by the Dutch Warmblood stallion Aristos B. The North American branch of the KWPN has begun selection for Dutch Hunter horses; one of the first approved stallions was Popeye K, himself a Dutch Warmblood. Rox Dene was later bred to Popeye K.

A Dutch warmblood stallion by the name of Uraeus was cast in the role of Brego in the The Lord of the Rings film trilogy.

关键词:荷兰温血马Dutch Warmblood 马集网 